Tuesday, August 21, 2007

some money would be nice

The scheduling for my day job is prepared a month in advance. In the middle of the month, our supervisor posts a large calendar on her cubicle, and we all sign up for the shifts we would like to have. Generally, people are happy with this system. We're able to avoid working during major life events—weddings and the like—if we know when they will be in advance. We're allowed to work a maximum of four days a week, for which I happen to be paid almost EXACTLY what I need to pay bills.

As an actor, this system is difficult to work with. I check audition listings regularly, and submit for everything I can. It's the only way to get work. Unfortunately, some of these auditions conflict with my prearranged shifts. Even worse, so do some of the callbacks. It's not easy to exchange shifts, because most people don't have the availability to swap. And it's hard to give up the shift entirely to some people—that pesky four day maximum again.

I happen to be writing this on my day off. All day, I've had the sinking feeling that I'm not making the best use of my time. Surely I could be using this time off to be making some extra cash. But how?

Last weekend, I submitted my resume to a temp agency (the regular kind, which I had to make a few days ago for the first time). Maybe they'll call me with some good news sometime this week.

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